What is the CONSENT? Campaign

Every day, additional sexual harassment and assault allegations are broadcast in the media as women step forward and share their stories. Their courage has captured our country's attention and two minutes of your time can help promote positive change. 

The CONSENT? Campaign's purpose is to create clarity about consent and promote positive behavior. Over the next 60 days our goal is to collect 10,000 videos of individuals  answering the critical question:

"What is CONSENT?"

Three generations of women answering the critical question: What is Consent?

Why a 60 Day Timeline?

The videos we collect will be combined into a powerful video montage that can stimulate conversation, learning and most importantly change. 

Please get Involved! Sharing you voice is easy:

  1. Use your smart phone and film your response to the question (Please keep your response to under 90 seconds).

  2. Send your video to us at .

  3. Share this opportunity to make a positive difference with others in your network and encourage them to submit a video as well.

Feel free to include your Instagram and/or Twitter handle in the email if you would like to be tagged in the post.


*Although care has been taken in preparing the information provided to you, we cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or actions of those          featured and we accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising.