Our Mission

The mission of Think Twice Act Right is to prevent sexual assault on college campuses across the country. We will proactively equip male and female students to make the “right” choices that lead to safe and respectful relationships. Our programming will engage, empower and educate college men and women through discussions and presentations with prominent role models such as: professional athletes, politicians, singers, and actors. We help college campuses build a culture where students view sexual assault as unacceptable and assume shared accountability for creating a safe environment for all students.

Our Goals

  1. Increase awareness, understanding and empathy about sexual assault
  2. Be able to recognize the choices both males and females make that increase the probability of sexual assault happening

  3. Understand what a healthy relationship is & how to have one

  4. Increase awareness of resources and tools that are available to help students

  5. Create an environment in which sexual assault in unacceptable

Important Facts

  1. One in four college women report surviving rape or attempted rape at some point in their lifetime. (Fisher, Cullen, & Turner, 2000)

  2. 72%-81% of cases in which a male rapes a female college student, the female is intoxicated. (Lisak & Miller, 2002)

  3. Rape is the least reported of all violent crimes. (Rand, 2009)

  4. One in three college sexual assaults are committed by student athletes. (Benedict & Crosset, 1995)